
Help us make a difference in the lives of Captured Mustangs and Burros!

Arviso was an unhandled and abused stallion confiscated by a court of law. Thanks to supporters like you, we were able to help him find a way to trust again.
Lefty returned to Mustang Camp when his owner died. He stayed with us two years until his perfect adopter came to claim him. 
We were able to take in 76 unhandled horses from sanctuaries and rescues in need  in 2019. We are the only rescue set up for unhandled horses.

You can give a wild or feral horse a chance to find a forever home. Mustang Camp provides training to help equines transition to a life with people and finds them adoptive homes, but we can't do it without help from friends like you. Your tax deductible contribution helps provide our services to unhandled horses from state and federal agencies, Native American tribes, sanctuaries, and other equine rescues that need our expertise in training the wild ones.

Your tax free donations will go toward feeding and caring for these equines. Wild horses eat about one ton of hay per animal during training. A ton of hay delivered is estimated to cost  $350 and a semi-truck load (twenty-two tons of hay) is estimated to cost $5600. Let's start 2023 with a new semi-truck load of hay, providing 2,900 individual mustang meals. With your help, we can feed, house and train equines in need.

You can pay through paypal to mustangcamp@gmail or send a check to Mustang Camp, POB 620, Blanco, NM 87412