Zone Three: Yeilding to Pressure
UNDER CONSTRUCTION as of 2/22/2018
Task Fifteen
Subtask1: Move to put jaw next to trainer's shoulder by moving forward or back
Subtask2: Move head/body away from trainer in response trainer being too close.
Subtask3: Walk in position with trainer without pushing against trainer *
Subtask4: Follow trainer at liberty at various speeds *
Task Sixteen
Subtask1: Accept CDP(5) with rope 3x
Subtask2: Accept rope around girth, neck, rump, back 3x *
Subtask3: Accept rope on legs 3x *
Subtask4: Walk calmly with a rope dragging beside
Task Seventeen
Subtask1: Yield to side pressure on halter by turning neck
Subtask2: Move feet to follow lead rope pressure *
Subtask3: Head down in response to lead pressure *
Subtask4: Nose-to-girth posture from halter cue
Task Eighteen
Subtask1: Turns toward Trainer.
Subtask2: Turns away from Trainer
Subtask3: Follows in figure 8 with jaw at trainer’s shoulder
Task Nineteen
Subtask1: Move to target face to flag
Subtask2: Accept flagging on body, legs, and head 5x *
Subtask3: Follow flag in a figure 8 *
Task Twenty
Subtask1: Yield haunches 1 step
Subtask2: Yield haunches immediately
Subtask3: Yield haunches 8 steps in a row *
Task Twenty-one
Subtask1: Walk forward around trainer in response to rope tapping hip.
Subtask2: Yield haunches from a walk forward in response to lead rope and trainer pressuring hip away
Subtask3: Yield front quarters in direction indicated by lead rope (step 3 Halter Driving)
Task Twenty-two
Subtask1: Back up one step in response to rope wiggle
Subtask2: Back up immediately upon rope wiggle request
Subtask3: Back up six steps in response to rope wiggle *